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OneResumeCV v1.0.4 – Jobs board and resume builder – WPThemeGuru

OneResumeCV v1.0.4

Free Download OneResumeCV v1.0.4 – Jobs board and resume builder – WPThemeGuru

OneResumeCV – Jobs board and resume builder Enables candidates to easily create a CV and find a job with the function. It helps employers to post jobs and find candidates. It helps you earn money for employers with advertising and SAAS version package post jobs.

  • Free registration
  • Apply for the job
  • Manage applied jobs
  • Profile created
  • Public resume
  • Download PDF ResumeCV
  • Creator CV
  • CV Editing
  • Find a job
  • Log in via social media


Download link OneResumeCV v1.0.4 – Jobs board and resume builder


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