Home » KastellKastell
Kastell of lat. Kastell, the small camp or small Kastell, diminutive of castrum , which originally referred to the Roman camp but can also mean castle , fortified facility.
1. A Kastellis a small fortification, castle, whose master in the Middle Ages was often called the Kastell(equivalent to castle chief or bailiff). It can also be called a citadel.
2. That is also the name of a high structure forwards and aft of medieval ships. As the ships were equipped with cannons, the castle had only lighter equipment.
It is also a surname that can be found almost everywhere in the world. In Sweden, there are 150 registered, and almost all are Swedish-born. Different variants of the name are Kastel and Castell. The Romance languages have equivalents to this surname, for example, Spanish Castillo, and the meaning of these Latin variants is the same as the Swedish meaning of it, namely the above-mentioned castle, or fortress.